About Us

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Experiences include; Managing a previous Excavation company for two years (before Southland), Completeing Telstra Activies; Ploughing/Trenching Cable with a rage of Machinery, awell as jointing cable and fibre-optics. 

Machinery owned by Southland Excavations includes;  Excavators (4 tonne), 5 tonne Tipper Truck, as well as Utuiltys and rock breaker and stick rake attactments for the Excavators

Southland Excavations also have access to a wide range of additional equipment if required

. For example:

.......all available to do the job to your satisfaction. No Job is Too Big or Too Small

We are available in Ballarat Victoria and surrounding areas.

In the photo below,  we have been trenching ready to put Telstra cable in the ground to supply above housing.

Troy Kennedy - 0400996294

Corey Smith - 0477912080


We will  travel to a wide range towns around Victoria area

Southland Excavations are licensed for Excavators, Dozers, Trucks, Car and Bobcats.